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Yediyur Siddhalingeshwara

Yediyur Siddhalingeshwara

Sri Siddalingeshwara Swamy a great revered Sharana Saint in the path of Lingayatha Shiva Sharana Parampare of diffusion of Thatva of Life called VACHANAS. He travelled far and wide preaching Sharana faith which is predominantly praying with ISHTA LINGA (atma linga) as envisaged by Basavanna, Allamaprabhu and a vast group of learned men and women from all walks of life (12th century in present-day Bijapur district)..

He performed 12 years of penance at a garden belongs to Vokkaligara Nambiyana (Thota) and hence came to be known as Thontada Siddalingeshwara Swamy. He headed the Murugi Mutha and had a large following of disciples some of who wrote on Lingayat faith and philosophy. Hence Yedeyuru is deemed to be a seat of awakened spiritual consciousness.